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This course provides an introduction to computer. Students successfully completing this class will be able to evaluate works in academic and commercial security, and will have rudimentary skills in security research. The course begins with a tutorial of the basic elements of cryptography, cryptanalysis, and systems security, and continues by covering a number of seminal papers and monographs in a wide range of security areas.


This course does not involve any written exams. Students need to answer 5 assignment questions to complete the course, the answers will be in the form of written work in pdf or word. Students can write the answers in their own time. Each answer needs to be 200 words (1 Page). Once the answers are submitted, the tutor will check and assess the work.


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Course Credit: Georgia Institute of Technology

Course Curriculum

Course Intro
Introduction to Network Security 00:01:00
Large Scale Attacks: DDoS
Network DoS 00:02:00
Amplification Example 00:02:00
TCP 00:01:00
TCP SYN Flood I 00:03:00
SYN Flood II 00:04:00
DoS and Route Hijacking 00:02:00
Higher Level DoS 00:02:00
DoS Mitigation Client Puzzles 00:03:00
DoS Mitigation CAPTCHAs 00:01:00
DoS Mitigation Source Identification 00:02:00
DoS Mitigation Traceback 00:02:00
DoS Mitigation Edge Sampling 00:03:00
Reflector Attack 00:01:00
Capability Based Defense 00:01:00
DoS Reality 00:50:00
Introduction to Cybercrimes 00:01:00
Actors in the Underground 00:02:00
Structure of the Underground 00:01:00
Underground Forums 00:02:00
Exploits as a Service 00:03:00
Traffic PPI Example 00:01:00
From Malware to Botnets 00:01:00
Command and Control 00:03:00
SPAM 00:02:00
12_SPAM Filter Effectiveness 00:03:00
Scamming Ain’t Easy 00:02:00
Example Pharmacy Express 00:01:00
Pharmaleaks 00:01:00
Penetration Testing
Introduction to Penatration Testing 00:01:00
Overview 00:01:00
Methodology 00:02:00
Footprinting 00:01:00
Scanning 00:01:00
Enumeration 00:01:00
Gaining Access 00:01:00
Escalating Privilege 00:01:00
Pilfering 00:01:00
Covering Tracks 00:01:00
Creating Back Doors 00:01:00
Persistence and Stealth 00:01:00
Social Engineering 00:01:00
Common Social Engineering Techniques 00:03:00
Computer Attacks 00:01:00
Counter Social Engineering Attacks 00:01:00
Sec. of IPs: IP, TCP, BGP
Introduction to Security Internet Protocols 00:01:00
Internet Infrastructure 00:01:00
TCP Protocol Stack 00:01:00
Internet Protocol 00:02:00
IP Authentication 00:01:00
Review TCP Handshake 00:01:00
TCP Security Issues 00:01:00
Random Initial Sequence Numbers 00:02:00
Routing Security 00:02:00
BGP 00:01:00
S BGP 00:03:00
Sec. of IP: Domain Name Systems
Introduction to Domain Name Servers 00:01:00
DNS Lookup Example 00:02:00
Caching 00:01:00
Basic DNS Vulnerabilities 00:02:00
DNS Packet 00:03:00
Poisoning Attacks 00:04:00
DNS Defenses 00:01:00
DNS SEC 00:01:00
DNS Signing 00:01:00
DNS Rebinding Attack 00:02:00
Adv. Web Sec.: Browser Sec Models
Introduction to Advanced Web Security 00:01:00
Goals of Web Security 00:01:00
Threat Models 00:04:00
Modern Websites 00:02:00
Browsers 00:04:00
Browser SOP 00:01:00
Frame Security 00:03:00
Browsing Context 00:04:00
Web Worker 00:01:00
Subresource Integrity 00:02:00
Cross Origin Resource Sharing 00:02:00
SOP Review 00:01:00
SOP and Cookies 00:01:00
Setting and Deleting Cookies 00:03:00
Cookie Protocol Problem 00:04:00
Cryptographic Checksums 00:02:00
Adv. Web Sec: Session Management
Session Management 00:03:00
Session Logout 00:01:00
Session Hijacking 00:03:00
Session Fixation 00:01:00
Session Management Summary 00:01:00
Adv. Web Sec: https
Goals 00:02:00
Network Attacker 00:01:00
SSL TLS Overview 00:01:00
Certificates 00:02:00
SSL and TLS 00:01:00
HTTPS in the Browser 00:01:00
HTTPS Problems 00:05:00
HTTPS Attack Prevention 00:01:00
Adv. Malware Anal: Evasive Malware
Malware Prevalence 00:03:00
Malware Evolution 00:01:00
Malware Obfuscation 00:02:00
Malware Analysis 00:05:00
Identical Notion of Time 00:01:00
Robust and Efficient Malware Analysis 00:02:00
Ether Malware Analyzer 00:04:00
Malware Emulators 00:03:00
Approaches of Emulation 00:03:00
Adv. Malware Anal: Mobile Malware
Malware Trends 00:01:00
iOS Malware 00:01:00
Android Malware 00:03:00
Lifetime of iOS Malware 00:01:00
Toolchain Attacks 00:02:00
Mobile Malware Protection 00:02:00
Information Leakage Protection 00:01:00
STAMP Admission System 00:01:00
Data Flow Analysis 00:01:00
Data Flows 00:01:00
Adv. Net Mon: Botnet Dectection
Traditional Security Fail 00:01:00
Botnet Detection 00:02:00
Bot Hunter 00:02:00
BotHunter Architecture 00:02:00
Botminer 00:01:00
Botnet and Dynamic DNS 1 00:02:00
Botnet and Dynamic DNS 2 00:02:00
Botnet and Dynamic DNS 3 00:03:00
Threat Anal: Mapping the Internet
Internet Wide Security Scanning 00:01:00
Internet Wide Network Studies 00:01:00
ZMap 00:02:00
ZMap Architecture 00:01:00
Addressing Probes 00:02:00
Validating Responses 00:01:00
Packet Transmission and Receipt 00:01:00
Scan Rate 00:01:00
Coverage 00:01:00
ZMap vs NMap 00:02:00
Cryptographic Keys 00:02:00
Embedded Systems 00:02:00
Certificate Authorization 00:01:00
Certificate Chains 00:01:00
Identifying CA 00:01:00
CA Risks 00:02:00
HTTPS Adoption 00:01:00
ZMap Open Source 00:01:00
Threat Anal: Domain & Network Rep
Motivation for Reputation 00:01:00
New Blocklist Model Criteria 00:01:00
Notos 00:02:00
Global Kopis 00:01:00
Notation and Terminology 00:01:00
Local Notos 00:01:00
Notos Statistical Features 00:01:00
Notos Reputation Function 00:01:00
Kopis Statistical Features 00:01:00
Kopis Detection Performance 00:01:00
Predictability 00:01:00
Mobile 00:01:00
Key Data and Findings 00:01:00
Methodology 00:01:00
Botnet Takedowns 00:02:00
RZA Malware Interrogation 00:01:00
RZA Takedown 00:01:00
RZA Studies 00:01:00
RZA Takedown Study 00:01:00
Bitcoins & CryptoCur: Blockchains
Review of Hash Functions 00:01:00
Pointers and Structures 00:02:00
Digital Signatures 00:01:00
Public Keys as Identities 00:01:00
Simple Cryptocurrencies 00:03:00
Double Spending Attack 00:05:00
Scrooge Coin 00:02:00
Scrooge Transactions 00:02:00
Centralization Problem 00:02:00
Bitcoins and Decentralization 00:01:00
Distributed Consensus 00:02:00
Bitcoin Safeguards 00:01:00
Incentives and Proof of Work 00:01:00
Bitcoin Incentive #1 00:01:00
Bitcoin Incentive #2 00:01:00
Bitcoin Remaining Problems 00:01:00
Proof of Work 00:01:00
Bitcoin Summation 00:01:00
Bitcoins & CryptoCur: Op. & Sec
Bitcoin Operations 00:02:00
Hierarchical Wallet 00:03:00
Cold Storage 00:01:00
Online Wallets and Exchanges 00:02:00
Merkle Trees 00:05:00
Merkle Trees 00:05:00
Proof of Reserve 00:01:00
Anonymity 00:01:00
De Anonymize Bitcoin 00:03:00
Decentralized Mixing 00:03:00
Bitcoin Append Only Log 00:01:00
Timestamping 00:04:00
Overlay Currencies 00:01:00
Mastercoin 00:01:00
Big Data & Sec: Adversarial ML
ML for Security Recent Work 00:02:00
Machine Learning for Security History 00:02:00
ML for Security Future 00:01:00
Adversarial Machine Learning 00:01:00
Attacks on Machine Learning 00:01:00
Dyre Wolf Attack 00:01:00
PAYL 00:02:00
Polymorphism Attacks vs Detection 00:01:00
Evading Detection 00:01:00
Polymorphic Attack Scenario 00:01:00
Blending Steps 00:02:00
Blending Attacks Requirements 00:01:00
Encrypting Attack Contents 00:01:00
Decryptor 00:01:00
Evaluation 00:01:00
Evaluation Results 00:01:00
Countermeasures 00:01:00
Poisoning Attack 00:01:00
Syntactic Worms Signatures 00:01:00
Syntactic Worms Signature Generators 00:01:00
Traffic Based Flow Classifiers 00:01:00
Fake Anomalous Flows 00:02:00
Case Study 00:02:00
Hierarchical Clustering 00:01:00
Misleading Conjunction 00:01:00
Misleading Hierarchical Clustering 00:01:00
Polygraph 00:01:00
Misleading Bayes Signatures 00:01:00
Crafting the Noise 00:01:00
Experimental Results 00:01:00
Conclusion L19 00:01:00
Cloud Comp.: Basics & VMM
Definition of Cloud Computing 00:01:00
NIST Cloud 00:01:00
Cloud Security Concerns 00:01:00
Analyzing Cloud Security 00:01:00
Security Relevant Cloud Components 00:02:00
Cloud Security Advantages 00:01:00
Cloud Security Challenges 00:02:00
Cloud Security Additional Issues 00:01:00
Cloud Security Architectures 00:01:00
Platform Virtualization 00:01:00
Kernel Level Attack Tools 00:01:00
Hypervisor Approaches 00:01:00
Monitoring Memory 00:01:00
Production Level Systems 00:01:00
Passive Monitoring 00:01:00
libVMI 00:02:00
Active Monitoring 00:01:00
Active Monitoring Challenge 00:01:00
Security in VM Monitoring 00:01:00
VM Monitoring 00:01:00
VM Monitoring Requirements 00:01:00
SIM Design 00:02:00
Protected Address 00:01:00
Monitor Overhead 00:01:00
Sec. Cloud Comp: Data Privacy Prot
PPE 00:01:00
Data for Attributes 00:01:00
Encryption Attacks 00:01:00
Attack Analysis 00:01:00
Optimization Attack 00:01:00
Optimization Attack Analysis 00:01:00
Cumulative Attack 00:01:00
Cumulative Attack Analysis 00:01:00
Attack Recap 00:01:00
Suppose We Don’t Trust the Cloud 00:01:00
Oblivious RAM 00:01:00
Attack Tolerant Systems
Defense in Depth 00:02:00
Mathematical Definition 00:01:00
Shamir’s Secret Sharing 00:02:00
Shamir’s Scheme Example 00:01:00
Shamir’s Scheme Example 2 00:01:00
Shamir’s Scheme Summation 00:01:00
Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance 00:01:00
Redundancy of System Services 00:01:00
Byzantine Generals Problem 00:01:00
System Models 00:01:00
System Properties 00:01:00
System Algorithm 00:01:00
Attack Tolerance 00:02:00
Submit Your Assignment 00:00:00
Certification 00:00:00

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