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C is a dominant general-purpose programming language which is used worldwide for developing firmware or portable applications. The [course_title] course is devoted to C programming language and teaches you the essential features of the language.

In the course, you will learn how to program in C language. The course also teaches you about program flow, functions, methods, and routines, You will also explore to use arguments and return values. Finally, the course guides you how to run a simple C program.

Upon completion, you will be able to know how to do programming in C.


This course does not involve any written exams. Students need to answer 5 assignment questions to complete the course, the answers will be in the form of written work in pdf or word. Students can write the answers in their own time. Each answer needs to be 200 words (1 Page). Once the answers are submitted, the tutor will check and assess the work.


Edukite courses are free to study. To successfully complete a course you must submit all the assignment of the course as part of the assessment. Upon successful completion of a course, you can choose to make your achievement formal by obtaining your Certificate at a cost of £49.

Having an Official Edukite Certification is a great way to celebrate and share your success. You can:

  • Add the certificate to your CV or resume and brighten up your career
  • Show it to prove your success



Course Credit: Google.

Course Curriculum

Module: 01
C Programming for Beginners 1 – Installing CodeBlocks and Getting Started (For Absolute Beginners) 00:10:00
C Programming for Beginners 2 – First C Program and Understanding C Program Structure 00:17:00
C Programming for Beginners 3 – Simple input and output (printf , scanf , placeholder ) 00:15:00
C Programming for Beginners 4 – Comments 00:03:00
C Programming for Beginners 5 – Variables and Basic Datatypes 00:08:00
Module: 02
C Programming for Beginners 6 – Simple Math and and operators 00:08:00
C Programming for Beginners 7 – If Statements in C 00:09:00
C Programming for Beginners 8 – if…else and Nested if…else statements in C 00:11:00
C Programming for Beginners 9 – The ternary (conditional) operator in C 00:09:00
C Programming for Beginners 10 – Switch Statement in C 00:15:00
Module: 03
C Programming for Beginners 11 – While loop in C 00:09:00
C Programming for Beginners 12 – do…while loop in C 00:09:00
C Programming for Beginners 13 – for loop 00:10:00
C Programming for Beginners 14 – Functions in C 00:12:00
C Programming for Beginners 15 – Passing Parameters and Arguments in Function 00:09:00
Module: 04
C Programming for Beginners 16 – Return Values in Functions 00:10:00
C Programming for Beginners 17 – Scope rules in C 00:10:00
C Programming for Beginners 18 – Arrays in C 00:11:00
C Programming for Beginners 19 – Multi-dimensional Arrays in C 00:10:00
C Programming for Beginners 20 – Passing Arrays as Function Arguments in C 00:12:00
Module: 05
C Programming for Beginners 21 – Pointers in C 00:11:00
C Programming for Beginners 22 – Array of pointers 00:08:00
C Programming for Beginners 23 – Passing Pointers as Function Arguments 00:14:00
C Programming for Beginners 24 – Strings in C 00:15:00
C Programming for Beginners 25 – (struct) Structures in C 00:15:00
Module: 06
How to Install and Setup Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Development on Windows 00:19:00
C Programming for Beginners 26 – Unions in C 00:12:00
C Programming Tutorial | Learn C programming | C language 04:38:00
How to Install Qt Creator IDE on Windows 8.1 / Windows 10 (Open Source Version) 00:09:00
How To Create First Qt GUI Widget Application in C++ Using Qt Creator 00:16:00
What Is JSON ? 00:17:00
Submit Your Assignment 00:00:00
Certification 00:00:00

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