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A company’s reputation depends on its ability to deliver exceptional customer service. To make sure your company gives the best experience, Complete Customer Service Training course is here for you. This course is comprised of contents which will teach you the critical elements of customer service, management of customer service, call center training, and customer relationship management. You will learn about the critical elements of customer service, understanding relationship with customers and its practices, setting goals and meeting expectations, dealing with difficult customers, challenges, stress, language barrier, etc. About the call center training, you will learn about listening skills, negotiation techniques, call center trends, etc. which will increase your key elements of customer service skills.


This course does not involve any written exams. Students need to answer 5 assignment questions to complete the course, the answers will be in the form of written work in pdf or word. Students can write the answers in their own time. Each answer needs to be 200 words (1 Page). Once the answers are submitted, the tutor will check and assess the work.


Edukite courses are free to study. To successfully complete a course you must submit all the assignment of the course as part of the assessment. Upon successful completion of a course, you can choose to make your achievement formal by obtaining your Certificate at a cost of £49.

Having an Official Edukite Certification is a great way to celebrate and share your success. You can:

  • Add the certificate to your CV or resume and brighten up your career
  • Show it to prove your success


Course Credit: Edukite

Course Curriculum

Module 01
Module 02
Six Critical Elements 00:30:00
Understanding Leadership 00:30:00
Five Practices of Leadership 00:45:00
Module 03
Asking the Right Questions 00:15:00
Close with Vocals 00:15:00
Closing Down the Voice 00:10:00
Cold and Warm Calls 00:15:00
Developing a Script 00:15:00
Did You Hear Me? 00:15:00
It’s More Than Just a Phase 00:15:00
Negotiation Techniques 00:15:00
News from Within 00:15:00
Perfecting the Script 00:15:00
Phone Tag and Getting the Call Back 00:15:00
Sales by Phone 00:10:00
Saying No 00:05:00
Staying Out of Voice Mail Jail 00:05:00
Stress Busting 00:05:00
Taking Messages 00:05:00
This is My Mentor 00:05:00
To Serve and Delight 00:05:00
Verbal Communication Techniques 00:15:00
What’s Missing in Telephone Communication? 00:15:00
Module 04
Building the Future 00:15:00
Checklist for Success 00:15:00
Considerations in Tool Selection 00:15:00
Customer Relationship Management 00:10:00
Evaluating and Reviewing Your Program 00:15:00
Homegrown vs. Application Service Provider 00:15:00
Requirement Driven Product Selection 00:15:00
Strategies for Customer Retention 00:15:00
The Development Team 00:15:00
What CRM Is and Who It Serves 00:15:00
Submit Your Assignment 00:00:00
Certification 00:00:00

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