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The [course_title] course focuses on the essential concepts of the powerful general-purpose programming language C. C programming language is fast, portable and available for all platforms.

In the course, you will learn to write codes in C programming language. You will learn how to work with data, program flow basics, how to use the functions, method, and routines. Other topics covered in the course are conditional flow statements, the mechanisms for controlling flow statements, implementing simple statements, logical operators and more.

Next, the course teaches you how to use pointers for direct memory access and manipulation in C, and more. Upon completion, you will be able to understand how programming works and able to create pointers, arrays, store variables, etc.


This course does not involve any written exams. Students need to answer 5 assignment questions to complete the course, the answers will be in the form of written work in pdf or word. Students can write the answers in their own time. Each answer needs to be 200 words (1 Page). Once the answers are submitted, the tutor will check and assess the work.


Edukite courses are free to study. To successfully complete a course you must submit all the assignment of the course as part of the assessment. Upon successful completion of a course, you can choose to make your achievement formal by obtaining your Certificate at a cost of £49.

Having an Official Edukite Certification is a great way to celebrate and share your success. You can:

  • Add the certificate to your CV or resume and brighten up your career
  • Show it to prove your success


Course Credit:  thenewboston

Course Curriculum

C Programming Tutorial – 1 – Introduction 00:05:00
C Programming Tutorial – 2 – Setting Up Code Blocks 00:07:00
C Programming Tutorial – 3 – How Computer Programs Work 00:05:00
C Programming Tutorial – 4 – Print Text on the Screen 00:04:00
C Programming Tutorial – 5 – Comments 00:03:00
C Programming Tutorial – 6 – Conversion Characters 00:07:00
C Programming Tutorial – 7 – Variables 00:08:00
C Programming Tutorial – 8 – String Terminator 00:05:00
C Programming Tutorial – 9 – I Need Arrays 00:06:00
C Programming Tutorial – 10 – Creating a Header File 00:10:00
C Programming Tutorial – 11 – Getting Input with scanf 00:08:00
C Programming Tutorial – 12 – Math Operators 00:05:00
C Programming Tutorial – 13 – Cats Love Bagels 00:05:00
C Programming Tutorial – 14 – Calculating the Average Age 00:05:00
C Programming Tutorial – 15 – How to Calculate Interest 00:05:00
C Programming Tutorial – 16 – Typecasting 00:06:00
C Programming Tutorial – 17 – Making Decisions Using if Statements 00:08:00
C Programming Tutorial – 18 – Nesting if Statements 00:05:00
C Programming Tutorial – 19 – if else 00:05:00
C Programming Tutorial – 20 – What about more than two choices? 00:05:00
C Programming Tutorial – 21 – Dont Beat Up Little Kids 00:06:00
C Programming Tutorial – 22 – or 00:06:00
C Programming Tutorial – 23 – Shorthand if else 00:10:00
C Programming Tutorial – 24 – Increment Operator 00:07:00
C Programming Tutorial – 25 – while Loops 00:08:00
C Programming Tutorial – 26 – do while Loops 00:11:00
C Programming Tutorial – 27 – for Loop 00:05:00
C Programming Tutorial – 28 – How to Make a Table 00:05:00
C Programming Tutorial – 29 – break 00:07:00
C Programming Tutorial – 30 – continue 00:05:00
C Programming Tutorial – 31 – switch 00:07:00
C Programming Tutorial – 32 – A Few Cool Character Functions 00:06:00
C Programming Tutorial – 33 – isupper and Challenge #1! 00:03:00
C Programming Tutorial – 34 – strcat and strcpy 00:09:00
C Programming Tutorial – 35 – puts and gets 00:06:00
C Programming Tutorial – 36 – Rounding Numbers 00:05:00
C Programming Tutorial – 37 – Absolute Value with abs 00:07:00
C Programming Tutorial – 38 – Random Number Generator with rand 00:06:00
C Programming Tutorial – 39 – int and float Arrays 00:08:00
C Programming Tutorial – 40 – Why I am Banned from Fantasy Hockey 00:12:00
C Programming Tutorial – 41 – Sorting Arrays 00:12:00
C Programming Tutorial – 42 – Pointers 00:10:00
C Programming Tutorial – 43 – Dereference Pointer 00:05:00
C Programming Tutorial – 44 – Arrays and Pointers 00:10:00
C Programming Tutorial – 45 – Strings and Pointers 00:07:00
C Programming Tutorial – 46 – Problems with String Lengths 00:04:00
C Programming Tutorial – 47 – The Heap 00:07:00
C Programming Tutorial – 48 – Creating an Expandable Program using the Heap 00:08:00
C Programming Tutorial – 49 – Structures 00:10:00
C Programming Tutorial – 50 – Writing Files in C 00:08:00
C Programming Tutorial – 51 – How to Read Files 00:07:00
C Programming Tutorial – 52 – Append to File 00:03:00
C Programming Tutorial – 53 – Random File Access 00:09:00
C Programming Tutorial – 54 – Functions 00:05:00
C Programming Tutorial – 55 – Global vs Local Variables 00:05:00
C Programming Tutorial – 56 – Passing Arguments to Functions 00:06:00
C Programming Tutorial – 57 – Return Values 00:07:00
C Programming Tutorial – 58 – Pass by Reference vs Pass by Value 00:08:00
Submit Your Assignment 00:00:00
Certification 00:00:00

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